Monday, November 19, 2007

Global Warming Fear-Mongering

RE: Can Global Warming Worsen Allergies? (Published in the New Mexican, Monday, November 19, 2007)

The article “Can Global Warming Worsen Allergies?” appears to be taken straight out of a press-release from the NRDC with little or no investigative reporting done by the New Mexican.

It opens with the fear-mongering statement “Global warming can make allergies worse simply because the major pollen producers that trigger allergic reactions thrive and flourish in warmer air.”

Yes, everything grows faster with global warming, including crops for food and tress. And it’s not because of warmer temperatures – it’s because of the sun! And this is not necessary a bad thing because tress consume carbon dioxide and purifier the air.

It goes on to instill even more fear in those with allergies by stating “carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions contribute to smog, another trigger for asthma”. Yes, carbon dioxide is produced by burning coal, gasoline and natural gas. But carbon dioxide is not allergenic and is not toxic. When you burn candles on your kitchen table carbon dioxide is produced. A gas space heater burning at 100% combustion efficiency in your home will be spew out carbon dioxide continuously. This is not be confused with carbon monoxide and chemicals in smog that are produced when things don’t burn clean. The only way to not have carbon dioxide is to not burn anything and to not breathe. A few people huddled into in a small living space in the winter probably exhale more carbon dioxide than the heating appliances produce.

My company is in the business of helping people with allergy problems. These people are suffering and need accurate and useful information to help them with their plight – not fear mongering propaganda disseminated from organizations claiming that that global warming is to blame for everything.

Ultimately, the only way to prevent carbon dioxide is to not burn anything and to stop breathing. Solar power can’t supply us with enough power to eliminate coal and natural gas. That leaves nuclear power as our savior, a horrible alternative, and possibly the hidden agenda behind this fear mongering report. Before we consider nuclear power maybe we should consider that is it the sun - not CO2 causing global warming and that CO2 is a natural gas produced by all living organisms that makes things grow.