If it sounds too good to be true…
I usually don’t watch TV. I don’t own one. But while staying with family over the holidays and sitting around watching the boob tube I saw a commercial that shows just how far we’ve come.
This commercial was for a bracelet that you wear that is supposed to protect you from electromagnetic fields (EMF) and other harmful environmental hazards when you wear it. The commercial trys to demonstrate that the product is effective by showing people wearing them being muscle tested.
While I believe in “Muscle Testing”, also known as “Applied Kinesiology” and “Autonomic Response Testing (ART)” just because you test strong when you are muscle tested doesn’t mean the product works as claimed. In Chapter 4 of
Healthy Living Spaces: Top 10 Hazards Affecting Your Health, I show an example of how to do muscle testing to find healthy cleaning products at the grocery store since most products don’t list all the ingredients on the label. But just because a product is safe, i.e. your body does not have a negative reaction to it, does not mean the product helps improve your health or protect you from harmful stuff including electromagnetic fields.
What this commercial and similar products are proving by muscle testing is that it’s safe to wear the bracelet, charm, pendant, quantum cell protector, EFX Silicone Sport Wristband, Clarus QLink® and other gadgets; not that they protect you from anything.
Incidentally, you don’t need to buy and wear a special bracelet or pendant, ring or other type of jewelry or gadget to “protect” yourself.
Case in point, we’ve tested people in blind studies using some of these types of products and found some people reacted negatively to them; others didn’t notice any difference wearing them.
Most interesting of all, we people noticed the most difference (felt they were most “protected”) when we had them simply image a bubble of protection surrounding them vs. when they wore the stuff. When they imagined a bubble of protection surrounding them, they tested strongest when muscle tested when exposed to EMFs from electrical power.
So next time you’re worried about EFMs, cell phone radiation, or something similar, and are thinking about buying a gadget to protect yourself, simply say to yourself:
“ I now surround myself in a bubble of protection.
I am protected from all [electromagnetic fields].
I am surrounded by a bubble of protection.
For more information on how to really protect yourself from environmental hazards, including electromagnetic fields and cell phone radiation, visit our
reference library at Healthy Living Spaces.com or buy the book,
Healthy Living Spaces: Top 10 Hazards Affecting Your Health, now on sale at Amazon.com and other retailers.
Healthy Living Spaces
(505) 992-9904