Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let it Drip...Tip #27 for Preventing Mold growth

Tip #27 for Preventing Mold Growth

Water it and they will grow. Want to prevent mold? Then prevent water problems.

A common occurrence in the winter is pipes bursting when they freeze. (If you live somewhere really cold this is probably common sense to you. But here in Santa Fe where it’s only a little cold (zero degrees is cold for us) and it’s not as well known…

When you go away on holiday and won’t be home for a few days, simple turn on the kitchen sink faucet (don’t forget to make sure the sink drain is not stopped) and allow the water to slowly drip. We're talking drip, drip, drip; not a steady stream of water. This slow dripping will prevent the pipes from freezing and thereby prevent toxic mold problems that can occur when pipes burst and no one is home to turn off the water and dry out the mess.

For more tips on how to prevent mold growth and moisture problems, including a story of how I found and removed toxic mold from my grandmother’s house (they thought she had Alzheimer’s disease because her the mold problem was effecting her memory) see Chapter 1 in
Healthy Living Spaces: Top 10 Hazards Affecting Your Health

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